View Profile HandsomeWarrior
My hobbies include spiritual love making.

Handsome Warrior @HandsomeWarrior

Age 42, Male

Bin Man / Robocop

Brighton / England

Joined on 6/24/07

Exp Points:
2,840 / 3,210
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5.85 votes
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Do you want to be popular on NG?

Posted by HandsomeWarrior - November 30th, 2007

Are you a crap animator, like Bahamut, with over 200 submissions that nobody likes?
Are you, like Bahamut, desperate for attention to the point that you will submit flashes to a website everyday regardless of how badly received they are just for some attention?
And do you, like Bahamut, have absolutely no skill or talent and would be better off spending your time watching bikini videos on YouTube seeing as you probably don't have the balls to download proper pornography?
If so then I have a humble solution.

(And before he comes rushing to his own defense under one of his many alternative accounts can I just say that I have nothing againat Bahamut. It's just that it would be nice if he died).

The secret to success is simple: Below I have made a list of titles for Flash cartoons. These titles also outline the contents of what your cartoon should be about. Simply pick a title and build a cartoon that applies to it and you are guaranteed to become King Of The Portal!

Feel free to take your pick, I expect nothing in return;

1. Super Mario Hedgehog
2. Sonic The Mario
3. Mario The Sonic
4. Metal Gear Sonic
5. Metal Gear Mario
6. The Legend Of Mario
7. Super Zelda Brothers
8. Super Mario Tankmen.
9. Tankmen The Hedgehog
10. Zelda The Hedgehog
11. The Legend Of Sonic
12. Metal Gear Zelda
13. Metal Gear The Hedgehog
14. Metal Gear Tankmen
15. Super Tankmen Brothers
16. Super Mario Hedgehog
17. Metal Gear Halo
18. Super Halo Brothers
19. Super Sonic Brothers
20. The Legend Of Halo
21. The Legend Of Tankmen
22. Super Halomen Hedgehog
23. Super Halomen Hedgehog Brothers
24. Tankmen The Hedgehog Brothers
25. Tankmen The Hedgehog Brothers (Halo)
26. Metal Gear Pokemon
27. Metal Gear Hitler
28. Super Hitler Brothers
29. Pokemon Hedgehog
30. Hitler The Hedgehog

And finally, one title for a cartoon I might make myself;

31. Bahamut is a cunt.

I will update this list as inspiration comes. Good Luck and remember to have fun.
See you on the front page chaps!
(not Bahamut)

UPDATE!: Since writing this post I decided to see what would happen if I were to practice what I preach. Within half an hour a new cartoon was born, Super Mario Halomen!.
This 'toon flew through judgement faster than anything else I have submitted (because of the word "Mario" in the title) and I got a modest score of 2.85!
Not bad for a hopless piece of crap!
Seriously, try it yourself! Pick a title above and feel free to post me the link if you do! I'd love to check 'em out!
I'll even give you a 10 star review- now I can't say fairer than that!


Do you want to be popular on NG?


I already am.

Well done! You should still use some of the ideas above to maintain popularity.

i agree full with what lies within this post, +a millon fer yer intelligence

Cheers mate! I just hope the (not so) great man reads it himself!

I have nothing againat Bahamut. It's just that it would be nice if he died.

If only...

Sweet! Now I know what to name my first ever flash.

lol! I'll check it out on the front page!

Dude... he's like my best pal on here. You and all your other pals can go... do stuff pals do together! Leave me and my pal alone! Wait... you didn't do anything to me... yeah just him then.

I just want him to die. Is that really so much to ask?

However, you are too good a friend for him.

Oh, the irony.

Being popular on the internet is worthless.

Try telling that to a guy called Clinton Moore.
Search for him in the search bar above to see what I mean...

lol. dude i totlly get what your talking about.sadly enough though ive seen worse animation

Hey jitterman!
I know that there are a couple of worse people than Bahamut but they don't have 200 crap 'toons pass judgement!
What gets me with Bahamut is that if you give one of his "Hitler/Pokemon" flashes a bad review he goes into your profile and votes zero on all your flashes. And then he marks all your reviews as "un-helpful" .
As I was saying to someone else he's a creepy, spitful little turd!

Are you a crap animator, like Bahamut,

or even worse .. a dump person like HandsomeWarrior
scheiß inselaffe lol ..... verreck doch an krebs

funny old sucking people ...
Posted by Raven2005
Dec. 20, 2007 @ 2:39 PM EST

Flash Movie: Quasimodo's Quasi Advice
December 12, 2007 von-Brunk responds:

I don't like your reviews. I don't like your faggy emo skater style and your grammar quality is bad.

---->hmm maybe he´s right ... my grammar quality is bad ... my spelling seems to be bad too
but i still get a "2" ( good ) in my exams and stuff

and one word to my faggy emo skater style .. yes it´s right ... i´m a skater ..u got me old man ... but realy don´t call me an emo .. maybe you should take a look into a mirror or something i don´t call you and old fat sucking wonnebee satanic or something , right ?

The People Have Spoken1 Comment

Dec. 20, 2007 | 5:36 PM HandsomeWarrior says:
The point Von-Brunk was trying to make is that you are a dickhead.

Dec. 21, 2007 | 9:40 AM Raven2005 responds:
a dickhead like u ore worse ??? but thats impossible....

u are just an old kid ... nothing more ...25 years old and still a child lol

Updated: Dec. 21, 2007, 9:47 AM


Seriously mate, you ARE a dickhead.
And next time you make a post get one of your parents to help you with the spelling and grammer- then maybe I can take you seriously.


Saw it. Crap.

LOL Bahamut only has made 69 flashes. The rest (like the AIATWI80D and the like) he's only been co-authored, but he didn't make them. Moron.

"only 69 flashes". Good one.
But I agree, he is a moron.

I had a look through your reviews and wasn't at all surprised to see that you had reviewed a few of Bahamut's crappy cartoons and given them all 10 stars.
You and he are buddies, right? Do you also share his cunt-like attributes?

""only 69 flashes". Good one."

You fail maths much? 200 >>>> 69. But I bet you found that out via google already.

"I had a look through your reviews and wasn't at all surprised to see that you had reviewed a few of Bahamut's crappy cartoons and given them all 10 stars."

Well, I gave some of his 10 stars, right. Not all of them. Maybe there's something wrong with your eyes, lol.

"You and he are buddies, right?"

Wouldn't say so. We post in some topics and had a quick talk or two.

"Do you also share his cunt-like attributes?"

Yes. Just to piss you off. And it works, apparently.

Anyways, looking forward for your "Bahamut is a cunt."-flash. Maybe you'll get 10 stars for this, too if it's funny.

You say he "only" has 69 flashes as if that's not an excessive amount from somone so talantless.
And no, of course I didn't read through all your reviews. As soon as I saw that you were giving Ol' Dickhead 10 star reviews I kind of got an idea of the kind of person I was dealing with which, coincidentally, answered the question as to whether or not you share his cunt-like attributes.

And don't worry, my "Bahamut is a cunt" flash is on it's way. I'll let you know when it's ready and I'll look forward to my 10 star review!

I just thought I'd stop by and tell you how shallow you are.

He may not be the best animator in the world, but the real substance of his flash comes out with the plot that he writes. He mostly does his own voices and he does tend to attract somewhat of a cult following.

I think that while some people are silly giving his flash 10s, that is their choice and you should not hold that against them. You should focus your anger more on groups such as the Star Syndicate and Kitty Krew, who spam the portal with such shit that doesn't even deserve a vote of 1, let alone the votes of 4 and 5 that their own members give it.

Hey I haven't seen this one!
Sorry it's taken a while to reply. Now let's get down to business!

"He may not be the best animator in the world, but the real substance of his flash comes out with the plot that he writes."

His cartoons are all about himself and his imaginary friends. One of them was all about the time when he found a bottle of Dr. Pepper in a vending machine.


"He mostly does his own voices and he does tend to attract somewhat of a cult following."

So what if he does his own voices? So do a lot of other people. Besides, his voice is awful.
Also, cunt is spelled c-u-n-t not c-u-l-t!

"You should focus your anger more on groups such as the Star Syndicate and Kitty Krew..."

Who says these groups have escaped my wrath? They are next in line!
I can only go for one at a time and Bahamut was unfortunate enougth to cross my line of fire!
Have you made a stand agianst any spam groups? No?
Yet you dismiss my efforts and scurry off into the shadows!

I just thought I'd stop by and tell you how shallow you are.

"His cartoons are all about himself and his imaginary friends. One of them was all about the time when he found a bottle of Dr. Pepper in a vending machine."

I'd say that there are a lot worse things to write about on the subject of a flash. He's writing about things that have inspired him. His flash aren't epic and I'm not suggesting for one moment they are. The only ones of his that I've votes 10 on have me in as a guest voice actor, but that's professional bias :P

"So what if he does his own voices? So do a lot of other people. Besides, his voice is awful."

His voice isn't that bad, for a run of the mill scouser. Omega has one a lot worse, to be honest.

"Also, cunt is spelled c-u-n-t not c-u-l-t!"

Yeah, I know, that's why I said cult following, rather than cunt following. You're obsessed with porn.

"Have you made a stand agianst any spam groups? No?
Yet you dismiss my efforts and scurry off into the shadows!"

<a href="http://coop83.newgrounds.com/news/post/25990">http://coop83.newgrounds.com/news/pos t/25990</a> I suggest you look further before you lambast my efforts. I try to defeat the spam groups by starting with the strongest users who have a chance of changing the tide of crap that comes through the portal. At the end of the day, you need to vote on every movie AS YOU SEE FIT.

Don't thorw a hissy fit becuase you think that a user gets more credit than you feel they deserve. This only serves to generate more publicity for the artist you wish not to have. QED.

I read your post and agreed with everything you'd written.
But it seems strange to me that you'd rush to the defence of someone who has been co-authoured on every single " Hitler-collects-Pokemon" flash. Don't you feel that these things are Spam?
Don't you feel that they pass because of stat-whores similar to yourself (as you admitted to being in your post).
Is it not unreasonable to presume that they are given a helping hand through judgement by friends of the authour voting high?

I find it incredible that you actually provide voices for him. Don't you feel that you are contributing to the spam not only but voting high on your friends crappy flashes but by voice acting for him as well!

Seriously, how do you vote when you see a "Hitler" flash? Do you blam it?
I've got a sneaky feeling that you don't- why would you want to miss out on that oh-so-valuable protection point! OH NOES!!11eleven.

You cannot speak out against spam but when it's one of your on-line friends doing the spamming turn a blind eye.

As far as I'm concerned your little pal is as worthless as any spam-crew going.

"Don't thorw a hissy fit becuase you think that a user gets more credit than you feel they deserve. This only serves to generate more publicity for the artist..."

Surely anyone who speaks out against spam, including yourself, is guilty of the same thing. Should we sit back, shut up and count our protection points in silence?
You may, but I've got bigger fish to fry!

I'm not going to bother proving you wrong on every single thing you said; taht has been done enough times already.

What IS true though, is that Bahamut > You.

Another one of his friends coming to stick up for him?
Or more likely "... he comes rushing to his own defense under one of his many alternative accounts...". Yawn!
Nobody has proven anything I've said wrong- in fact they give up after they realise I'm right.
And I'm now aware of why his crap Flashes pass all the time, thanks to people like you- his on-line buddies.

"... he comes rushing to his own defense under one of his many alternative accounts..."

Oh yes, he has an alt account with Flash submissions more popular than his, over 6,000 posts and the amount of B/P I have.

And about your little 'example'. Nice one dude! You got a flash with almost 2,500 views! That's extremely impressive! Indeed, if you have a flash that's ranked #48,474 of 120,000 on popularity, you must be pretty fucking popular! That's actually more popular than half of NG's flashes!

PS: no, you actually fail.

I think you're getting confused.
My above post was a critique of popularity whores on NG. When I ask "Do you want to be popular on NG?" most people would have read it as a the satirical side-swipe it was meant to be. And we can only have satire if there is a element of truth to be mocked. Right?

The joke is that most crappy animators already practice free-loading off other peoples' idea's in a desperate bid to be popular- thus, a never ending glut of Madness, Mario, Sonic, Tankmen parodies/ tributes.

I singled out your friend Bahamut as a crap animator. There are others, I know, but he is as shitty as most. His bid for popularity is more desperate. His plea for attention really peaks with his need to submit shit Every. Single. Day. Of. His. Life.

It's almost like a spoilt child not getting their own way and throwing a tantrum.

Ol' Ballymut knows he's shit. He'll never learn to animate. He can't draw. His scripts are truly woeful.
Resentment builds in his cold dark mind, followed by anger- first anger at himself and then finally anger projected onto others. " If I can't be famous..", he whines ,"...then I'll be infamous!", grinning as if these words are his.
Cowering behind his computer he can exact a revenge on all the people who bullied him at school, the girls that didn't want to sit next to him in class, the Cub Scout Master who forced him to sit on his knee etc...

He knows, as well as any Spam artist, that what he does annoys people. That's the point. This is his revenge!

Understanding this, however, is not a reason to be complacent.

As opposed to what your friend Coop83 tried to imply, we should not be silent.

I'm going to break this down into extremely simple bullet points (if you have trouble reading then get a parent or older cousin to help you):

1. There are many worthless Spam artists on NG. It is widely understood that they override the Blam\Protect system by voting under alias's or by getting their friends to vote. Are we agreed?

2. This annoys decent users of NG who would rather these fuck-wits would fuck off. Are we agreed?

3. Individual voices speaking out against these crews /artists is essential in an on-line culture where people like you and your friends allow crap to pass through the portal either for Protection points (YIPPEE!!) or because you have a relationship with the author.

"I think you're getting confused."
I don't think so, but let's see what you have to say.

"... And we can only have satire if there is a element of truth to be mocked. Right?"

I'm totally with you until here...

"Stuff ... a never ending glut of Madness, Mario, Sonic, Tankmen parodies/ tributes."

By Zeus, you're right! I can't say anything against that! - Plato

I singled out your friend Bahamut as a crap animator. There are others, I know, but he is as shitty as most. His bid for popularity is more desperate. His plea for attention really peaks with his need to submit shit Every. Single. Day. Of. His. Life.

It's almost like a spoilt child not getting their own way and throwing a tantrum.

This is where you lost me... How in the world is Bahamut one of these so called 'crap-animators'? He is not even like them! You said those kind of people create flashes based on things such as Mario and Sonic for the sake of popularity. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen a lot of flashes by Bahamut involving any of the things you cited, except those which were indeed parodies and satyrs (in case you didn't understand that by yourself).
Sure, he enjoys some popularity. But doesn't everyone? It's not like he's sitting at his computer all day pressing F5 for his views to go up, like you seem to imply. Like, on what do you base your statements? Your personal hate (or even jealousy) for him?

"Ol' Ballymut knows he's shit. He'll never learn to animate. He can't draw. His scripts are truly woeful."

Since when is being a shit animator a crime? Sure, his flashes aren't pieces of art, but that's clearly not what he's aiming for. When I watch one of his flashes, I feel like I'm looking at a fun cartoon, part of a story that his collection of flashes are. And that's okay, isn't it? Hell, it's even entertaining to watch.
If his scripts suck, that's your taste. It's like liking a certain genre of music, and disliking another.

"Cowering behind his computer he can exact a revenge on all the people..."

And how is making a flash about someone a revenge? Plus, I haven't seen flashes by Bahamut about girls who don't want to sit next to him or scouts bullies >_>

"He knows, as well as any Spam artist, that what he does annoys people. That's the point. This is his revenge!"

Oh, he's a spam artist now? Define a spam artist again for me if you will, because IMO he doesn't submit Halo flashes all the time, or does he?

"I'm going to break this down into extremely simple bullet points (if you have trouble reading then get a parent or older cousin to help you):"

We are here, and we even have a dictionary ready (PLUS internet which is full of interesting information and easy to use).

1. There are many worthless Spam artists on NG. It is widely understood that they override the Blam\Protect system by voting under alias's or by getting their friends to vote. Are we agreed?

Yes, I agree with you. This kind of thing is called 'Star Syndicate' and 'Kitty Krew'. Bahamut has NOTHING to do with any of these, and he does NOT employ alternate accounts to vote on his own flashes. And when I vote on his flash, I base my vote on my experience, not on the fact that it's his.

2. This annoys decent users of NG who would rather these fuck-wits would fuck off. Are we agreed?

Yus, the KK annoys me! You're right!

3. Individual voices speaking out against these crews /artists is essential in an on-line culture where people like you and your friends allow crap to pass through the portal either for Protection points (YIPPEE!!) or because you have a relationship with the author.

Or because we have nothing to do with that and that you should review your definitions of 'crap author' and 'spam crew'.

I love how you've completely overlooked all his Hitler vs. Pokemon flashes.
Don't they qualify as worthless spam? NO?
One of your friends earlier, Haggard, tried to defend this by saying:

" LOL Bahamut only has made 69 flashes. The rest (like the AIATWI80D and the like) he's only been co-authored, but he didn't make them. Moron."

Even if this were true (it isn't) Ballyboy has still accepted an invitation to be

Also of note is the fact that he is never co-authored when the entry is "Under Judgement".
This gives him the opportunity to leave a 10 star review first and then accept the invitation for co-authorship for the very same entry he has just reviewed!

If you need proof then just click onto his profile (handily at the top of this page) and have a look through his reviews. I went back as far as 15 pages of his reviews and they were all for the crap that he is co-authored for!

Now this is not only a potential abuse of "Turd of the week" award system (what else could he be aiming for?) but also, although unlikely, "Underdog" or "Review Crew Pick".
Now if, say, BigFuzzyKitten were to do this (perhaps he does) you'd bemoan how this shouldn't be allowed and how unfair it is. Correct?
What if the Star Syndicate were to do this?

Why does the KK annoy you so much but not Ballyboy?
Isn't he using the same tactics as they are hoping to get a "Turd" as a token of his wackyness!!!lololol..etc

You know I'm right.

You asked me to define a "crap author" and "spam crew". No problem!

Crap Author:

A crap (flash) author is one who puts no effort at all into his work and has no desire to even try to evolve as an artist. Crap Authors are happy to re-use their crap symbols and crap character models over and over and over again because even the idea of basic drawing in Flash seems like too much work. The Crap Author is one who feels that if he/she has drawn something once it will do for all future projects.
Crap Authors also have trouble coming up with ideas for their half-arsed projects.
Most of their Flashes will consist of popular characters from elsewhere or, if drawing a popular character seems like too much hard work, then they may Photoshop an image of a Pokemon and "Wackily" pair it up with an image of Hitler.
The Crap Author, lacking any artistic inspiration whatsoever, will repeat this idea every single day for the rest of his life.

He will also review it before being co-authored.

Spam Crew:

A Spam Crew is a collective noun for a group, or gaggle, of Crap Authors. There is a code of camaraderie (a spirit of friendly good-fellowship) amongst the individual members whereby an organised "Mass Vote" will be implemented in support of an inferior Flash to guarantee it passing judgement.

These "Crews" are far more powerful than an individual Crap Author so it is often tempting for a Crap Author to either join an existing crew for support or, worse, start his own.

In addition to "Mass Voting" crew members also offer 10 star reviews to an affiliate Flash.
Some of these members are then, after voting and reviewing, co-authored for the entry in the hope of receiving the coveted "Turd Of The Week" award.

Some would argue that this is an ill-practice but friends of the crew don't seem to mind too much, even going as far as leaving comments on my page asking, "What yoo got against Bahamut?!?!?".


I really can't make it any clearer.

Just because he is your friend doesn't mean everyone has to like, NAY tolerate!, him.

If I were to defend BigFuzzyKitten or ErrOr or Fleek by telling you that they are great artists and that you have no right to dismiss them as Crap Authors you would think I was a prick.

This is the same dilemma I face when otherwise reasonable people defend someone as worthless as Bahamut.

"(About Hitler Flashes) Even if this were true (it isn't) Ballyboy has still accepted an invitation to be co-authored."

What the fuck is your problem dude? He might be co-authored, he has NOTHING to do with the production of the Flashes. I have Flashes for which I co-authored my alt, but that means nothing at all, for this has a purely figural sense.

"(He is not co-author when it's UJ)"

May I inform you that he reviews the Flashes with the purpose to tell Afro_Stud what he thinks of them? Oh, but you wrote more there...

"Now this is not only a potential abuse of "Turd of the week" award system (what else could he be aiming for?) but also, although unlikely, "Underdog" or "Review Crew Pick"."

None of the Hitler/Pokemon Flashes will EVER even have the slightest chance of winning the Turd Of The Week award. That's for sure, as they always pass with a 2.00+ score, mostly even more. This also makes winning the Underdog impossible. And they're obviously not aiming for the Review Crew Pick either, because in that case I'm sure many more people would have to review the submission, which is not happening.

"Why does the KK annoy you so much but not Ballyboy?
Isn't he using the same tactics as they are hoping to get a "Turd" as a token of his wackyness!!!lololol..etc

You know I'm right."

As I just said before, no they are not using the same tactics. The reviews Bahamut leaves are not to influence the Flash's score, because doing this for an award is an impossible move with the Adolf/Pokemon Flashes. And they know it. He leaves reviews mostly to tell Afro_Stud what he thought, and also to raise his review count, because after all reviews are also a stat, aren't they.

"Crap Author:"

I don't know if you realize it, but your definition of 'crap author' has considerably changed since you first mentioned it. First they were only after popularity, now you're just describing Bahamut's work in a negative way. I'm not going to be bothered to write something in response of that, as you just said something completely different.

"Spam Crew:"

Your definition is incomplete and incorrect. You focus on the fact that they'd 10 review everything to get awards, which you suppose is what Bahamut does. I don't think he'd be such a fucking retard and that he'd be thinking he can make a difference with his one review on the submissions. Also this has been discussed above.

An other thing is, Bahamut Flashes are COMPLETELY different of 'spam' Flashes. The latter often consist of one frame with some annoying music and some idiot drawing in the middle. Nothing more. Bahamut's Flashes are a collection which tells a story and that evolves.

"If I were to defend BigFuzzyKitten or ErrOr or Fleek by telling you that they are great artists and that you have no right to dismiss them as Crap Authors you would think I was a prick."

Read above comments. Bahamut's Flash movie's are no where near theirs.

"This is the same dilemma I face when otherwise reasonable people defend someone as worthless as Bahamut."

Not once have you proven him to be worthless in this whole discussion. And don't you dare saying I'm confused now, or that I overlooked certain data. Indeed, you're the one who is deliberately dismissing and modifying information. This is called pooh-poohing, I believe. Lol.

"He leaves reviews mostly to tell Afro_Stud what he thought, and also to raise his review count, because after all reviews are also a stat, aren't they."

Oh that's alright then! Silly me!
It's also good to know that Ballyboy offers such insight and wisdom to Afro_Stud with his 10 star reviews!

Surely though, you should only leave reviews if you've got something of value to offer, not to "raise his review count, because after all reviews are also a stat, aren't they."

"I don't know if you realize it, but your definition of 'crap author' has considerably changed since you first mentioned it. First they were only after popularity, now you're just describing Bahamut's work in a negative way."

Let's go back a couple of responses (2) and see what I actually said, alright?
Are you ready?

"...most crappy animators already practice free-loading off other peoples' idea's in a desperate bid to be popular- thus, a never ending glut of Madness, Mario, Sonic, Tankmen parodies/ tributes.

I singled out your friend Bahamut as a crap animator. There are others, I know, but he is as shitty as most. His bid for popularity is MORE desperate."

(emphasis added)

I have specifically singled him out from other Crap Authors by identifying his bid for popularity/ notoriety as even MORE desperate than those of the standard Popularity Whore. Why? Let's look at my "definition" of Crap Author to find out shall we?

"Crap Authors are happy to re-use their crap symbols and crap character models over and over and over again because even the idea of basic drawing in Flash seems like too much work. The Crap Author is one who feels that if he/she has drawn something once it will do for all future projects."

Here I have made the argument that that unlike most Popularity Whores O'l Billy is in fact too lazy parody existing series. Why? Let's look at the following paragraph...

"Most of their Flashes will consist of popular characters from elsewhere or, if drawing a popular character seems like too much hard work, then they may Photoshop an image of a Pokemon and "Wackily" pair it up with an image of Hitler."

My arguments have been consistent throughout:
He tries desperately to be well know either by popularity or notoriety.

Also, my definition of Spam Crew is correct.

Okay, although, "You focus on the fact that they'd 10 review everything to get awards", I felt it was already obvious enough that they "often consist of one frame with some annoying music and some idiot drawing in the middle. Nothing more." Did I REALLY need to point that out?

Another thing : "Bahamut's Flashes are a collection which tells a story and that evolves."

Evolves? Like a Pokemon? I'm not too sure if that was a joke.
Especially when it precedes the sentence,"Bahamut Flashes are COMPLETELY different of 'spam'". Oh, okay, there I was thinking that they "often consist of one frame with some annoying music and some idiot drawing in the middle. Nothing more."!

You seem confused, including overlooking certain data, especially in sentences like, "And don't you dare saying I'm confused now, or that I overlooked certain data.".
My reasons for disliking your good friend are consistent- why wouldn't they be? It's my opinion! It's not my job to have "proven him to be worthless" (You almost sound like you want me to!). As far as I'm concerned he is.
You accuse me of "deliberately dismissing and modifying information", as if this whole thing is anything more than a matter of opinion!

You dismiss my "definitions" as "incomplete and incorrect" but offer nothing of your own.
Whatever I say you seem to find your own meaning in my words.
When I said, "His bid for popularity is MORE desperate" you start asking,"How in the world is Bahamut one of these so called 'crap-animators'? He is not even like them! You said those kind of people create flashes based on things such as Mario and Sonic for the sake of popularity." Yes, yes, calm down, I said he was even MORE desperate!

My only reservation at this point is that I didn't write the word "more" in capital letters in my original responses. Would that have strengthened my argument?
Or made it easier to follow?

Look, the guy is your friend and as a friend you're going to stick up for him. It's commendable. Good for you! I just hope he would put as much effort into defending you should anyone ever bad mouth you.

But the fact remains: I think he is shit.

You don't feel that I have,"proven him to be worthles".

Well I don't feel that you have proven him otherwise.

-He can review whatever he want. If he wants to review that Flash to show his appreciation, but that he knows not what to say, it's his problem, not yours. You just said he tried to raise the Flash's review score.

-Bahamut is not trying to become notorious or popular. If he was, he would do as you say and create Flash movies entitled 'Super Sonic Halo stuff', or 'practice free-loading off other peoples' ideas'. Haven't seen much of that from him, TBH.
Also I believe it's more work to draw your own characters than to make sprite flashes, so he doesn't exactly fit your reformed definition of 'crap author' which would imply he's too lazy to do so even make a sprite flash.
There might be ONE way to make flashes with even less effort... This would be to record yourself playing the video game and nothing else. OH WAIT...

-If Bahamut really wanted to be popular this bad, he's just do it. As you said, it's easy to achieve, so why would he still be making flashes that require effort and not just Mario parodies?

-Yes, it's obvious that spam crews' flashes consist of one frame with etc etc. So we know that people who are part of this crew are 'crap authors', right? You're saying that Bahamut is a spam crew member, so by your definition he makes annoying one frame flashes. Sorry, but again that is not that case at all.

-I haven't heard you giving a valid reason for hating him yet... Because you now know he's not 'in desperate need' of attention, nor part of a spam crew.

-I have not given any definition of 'crap author' because I believe there is no such type of author, except what you might refer to as a member of a spam crew. Again you say, Bahamut is even MORE desperate of attention than them. I repeat, if this was the case, he's just fucking do it. Making Halo or Tankmen flashes is the easiest way indeed, but he does not walk that path. Or maybe you didn't understand his two or three Mario/Sonic flashes were in fact parodies of parodies? This means, they are a joke on what you've been saying all the time, namely that it would be easy to achieve popularity that way.

-Indeed, I have not proven that he's a good Flash artist. Because he isn't. He just isn't what you've been calling him.

1. Of course he reviews his own (co-authored) entries to put the score up. Why else would he always give himself 10 stars? Don't be so naive.

2. I really can't see what else he's trying to achieve with these Hitler/Pokemon things other than to become notorious. You really don't think that they're spam do you?Also, there was no "reformed definition " of Crap Author. Let's look at it YET AGAIN!:

"Crap Authors are happy to re-use their crap symbols and crap character models over and over and over again because even the idea of basic drawing in Flash seems like too much work. The Crap Author is one who feels that if he/she has drawn something once it will do for all future projects."

Okay, lets agree that, "... it's more work to draw your own characters than to make sprite flashes", but does that mean it's okay to re-use the same crappy graphics for the last 3 years! (or thereabouts). That doesn't make him good!
Also, isn't the main Bahamut sprite er... a sprite?

3."If Bahamut really wanted to be popular this bad, he's just do it. As you said, it's easy to achieve, so why would he still be making flashes that require effort and not just Mario parodies?"

His Flashes don't require effort. At all. This is what I've been saying all along.
As I've said before he is too lazy to make any kind of effort- even taking the easy way to popularity via Mario parodies- and has been instead trying to find an even easier way- by becoming notorious for his SPAM Hitler Flashes.
How many more times?

4."You're saying that Bahamut is a spam crew member, so by your definition he makes annoying one frame flashes. Sorry, but again that is not that case at all."

Hitler/Pokemon is not a good Flash. It is shit.
If you are a Crap Author, like Bahamut, and you collaborate with other Crap Authors you are in effect a Spam Crew.
Just because they haven't got an "official" name doesn't mean that they are not a Spam Crew.
Can't you recognise a Spam Crew without it being spelled out to you. Can't you think for yourself?

If we were talking about anyone other than Bahamut you would agree with me. But he is your precious friend so anyone who dosn't like him is BAD!

Also, flashes don't need only to consist only of one-frame screamers etc to be Spam. You must know this already.You can make all sorts of shit Flashes- which your friend proves time and time again.

5."I haven't heard you giving a valid reason for hating him yet... Because you now know he's not 'in desperate need' of attention, nor part of a spam crew."

I think he is shit. I keep repeating my reasons. No matter how many times I repeat myself you refuse to accept anything that challenges Bahamuts' integrity- "He is so artistic", "The reviews he gives his own cartoons are really useful", "It's not spam- it's got more than one frame of animation", etc..

6."I have not given any definition of 'crap author' because I believe there is no such type of author"

Well, how fucking convenient!

7."-Indeed, I have not proven that he's a good Flash artist. Because he isn't."

Now we're finally getting somewhere!


"There might be ONE way to make flashes with even less effort... This would be to record yourself

playing the video game and nothing else. OH WAIT..."

What's wrong with my Retro Video Game WalkThroughs?
Far more entertaining than Bahamuts' shite!
People like them and I don't need to review my own submissions to keep the score up!
I've got some other Flashes on here as well- and they're a fuck-load better than Ol Shitbeans'!

1. He'd give a 10 because h's reviewing a friend's flash, namely Afro_Stud's.
2. When will you understand the Hitler/Pokemon flashes are NOT his?
3. Re using graphics, crappy or not, is called a 'style'.
4. A spam crew's goal is to 'steal' awards from other members. Again, this is not what the Hitler/Pokemon flashes do.
5. If you think he's a bad flash author and that's a reason to hate him, you've still got a lot of work on this site; indeed, you'd be hating something like one third of Newgrounds' flash creators. Including yourself.
6. Cutting of parts of my sentences isn't a valid argument IMO.

"What's wrong with my Retro Video Game WalkThroughs?"
You say you're a crap author if you put no effort in your flash movies. I'm sorry, but I don't think there's a way to put less effort in them than to record yourself playing a video game.

"Far more entertaining than Bahamuts' shite!"
Not in my opinion. I'd prefer watching all of his flashes 5 times in a row than to watch yours once again.

"People like them and I don't need to review my own submissions to keep the score up!"
People like them? Come on dude, your recordings have an average of like 7 reviews... People are not interested in them, clearly.

"I've got some other Flashes on here as well- and they're a fuck-load better than Ol Shitbeans'!"
They're not "a fuck-load" better. They have other qualities. Yes, your graphical skills are better than his. But your story sucks balls. Plus, only 2 of your movies ARE indeed good movies, the rest looks like it's been made back in 2001.

I get a lot (well, a few) PM's from people asking me to continue my Retro- WalkThroughs which they find are a nice break from regular Flashes and although they don't receive that many reviews they are always "favorited" by a lot of people. I've even been put on peoples' favourite artist lists also, so it seems someone likes them! (And not cyber-friends I've met on the BBS, either).

I've only been doing Flash since last year so forgive me if they're not amazing.
At least you were man enough to admit that they were okay.
The stories are actually pretty good but if your referring to "Suicide" then I did explain in the Authors' Comments that it was an experiment with After Effects.
(I can't do Bluring in my version of Flash). It's still a lot better than "the day I found a bottle of Dr. Pepper in a vending machine"!

But I'd rather have 2 good flashes than over 200 not so good ones.

"if you think he's a bad flash author and that's a reason to hate him, you've still got a lot of work on this site; indeed, you'd be hating something like one third of Newgrounds' flash creators. Including yourself."

I really do think he is shit. And I am aware that there are other shit people but at least they try. I find it obnoxious of him to release so much stuff that he clearly has put no time into.

When I wrote the original post he was the one who stuck in my mind. If I had written it a couple of months later it would probably have been about DanoMano, or whatever his name is.

I'm not going to apologise for thinking the way that I do.
If you "prefer watching all of his flashes 5 times in a row than to watch yours once again" then go ahead if he means that much to you! Vote 5! Leave a 10 star review!

But I'm entitled to express my, some might say brilliant, opinion.
There is nothing you can do or say to change my mind. In fact the only person who could change my mind is Billy himself! All he would have to do is spend a couple of weeks on a Flash and show he has some skills. He'll receive a lot more positive feedback from people other than his on-line friends.

We'll have to wait and see if he surprises us or not.

I won't bother replying to your comments any longer, as I see I can't change your mind in any way.

All you should know is that an opinion is never 'brilliant', good or bad. You either agree with it or not, but an opinion is never more.

Amen to that!

Sorry that we couldn't find any common ground but, alas, to each his own.
For what it's worth I enjoyed our little debate and I can only hope that if we ever cross paths again it will be on friendlier terms.

All the best,


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